Cookie Baking Tips From My Auntie


You may think that baking cookies is as easy as turning a stick, scooping out a little bit of batter and throwing it into a warm oven. But in reality, baking cookies isn't quite as straightforward as that. There are several ways in which cookies can go horribly wrong, and if baked right, they are actually rather difficult to mess up. But thankfully, there are also more ways for you to create perfectly good baked cookies; leaving you with only the tastiest and most unique ones you have ever had in your lifetime. Here, we take a look at the best ways to get the perfect results every time.

Pay Attention To The Recipe

Grease is one of those things that many people hate to try to bake cookies with, despite the fact that they have been baking for years. Yet, while it's true that oil and grease do reduce the baking time when used sparingly, it's not worth ruining your efforts over a few seconds of greasy fingers. Instead, opt for either shortening or a different cooking oil that's cheaper (such as vegetable oil) or choose a different type of flour to use, such as whole wheat flour. Either way, always use a silicone-based or metal-based baking pan, as silicon can prevent the formation of gluten, a major problem when baking cookies. If you must use a pan with oil, use the lower-fat type as opposed to the all-purpose variety, which can cause fewer problems and is usually cheaper.


Baking cookies doesn't need to be a challenging task. In fact, the easier you make them, the better they will turn out. There are plenty of easy cookie recipes available on the Internet, so picking a good one shouldn't be difficult. Of course, if you're serious about learning how to bake cookies, you should consider purchasing a few different books on the subject and experiment with them until you find a particular flavor you really like. As long as you keep in mind the basic baking tips outlined in this article, you should have no trouble coming up with your own unique flavors that won't disappoint anyone, no matter how experienced they are at baking cookies. Recipes are important, make sure you follow them until you are really comfortable in the kitchen.

Do You Have All Of The Right Baking Equipment?

One of the best pieces of baking equipment that you'll need when you bake cookies is a double-sided oven mitt. These items come in handy for several reasons, the first of which is that they allow you to effectively remove and lift cookies from the pan without having to transfer them to a baking sheet. Another great advantage is that they come in sizes to perfectly fit individual cookie baking gear. Just keep in mind that the larger the baking sheet, the fewer baking mats you'll need, which can save you quite a bit of space in your kitchen.
Baking sheets are an important addition to any baking adventure, especially if you enjoy experimenting with different types of recipes. These are a great way to show off your baking skills and develop new ones, while simultaneously meeting new friends and gaining some culinary knowledge at the same time. There are a number of different types of baking sheets that you can purchase, each offering their own set of benefits and features. Naturally, these bars are made out of different types of materials, including steel, aluminum, glass, stone, clay, porcelain and more. Finally, when it comes to baking cookies, you'll need to have all of the necessary ingredients. The ingredients will include any of the following: brownie mix, cookie ingredients, powdered sugar, flour, salt and sugar. By considering these three basic ingredients, you'll be able to bake the perfect batch of cookies every single time, guaranteed! If you keep these tips in mind, you should have no trouble creating tasty treats that are sure to impress your friends and family.
